Theme: Reimagining Education, Realising Potential

Sub-Theme 1: Future of Learning and Implications for Teaching

The future that our students will face is filled with uncertainty and change. To continue to remain relevant, education systems must empower our students to navigate these changes and succeed in the future by equipping them with the requisite knowledge, competencies, values and dispositions. Teachers are key enablers of this endeavour, and it is imperative that governments and teacher organisations collaborate to support teachers in exploring and enacting pedagogies, and designing learning environments that support student attainment of future-ready competencies, through policies, processes and teacher professional development.

Discussion Questions

  1. How do schools facilitate the development of future-ready competencies in students through their programmes, teaching and learning environments, and pedagogies, and how can schools be supported to achieve these aims?
  2. How can governments, teacher organisations and schools work collaboratively to equip teachers in supporting the attainment of future-ready student competencies, through policies, processes and teacher professional development?

Sub-Theme 2: Role of Technology in Transforming Education and Vocational Training

There is immense potential for technology to transform student learning in general education and vocational education and training. Technology can be harnessed to complement and augment current teaching and learning practices, and enhance support for learner-specific needs, interests and abilities. Central to these efforts are establishment of standards to ensure proficient and safe use of technology in teaching and learning environments, and teacher professional development that empowers educators to embrace technology as a transformative tool in their practice.

Discussion Questions

  1. How can schools, vocational education and training institutions, and teachers leverage technology to enhance collaborative learning, create customised learning and assessment experiences, and promote student agency to facilitate and enrich student learning?
  2. What standards and guidelines can governments, teacher organisations, schools, and vocational education and training institutions establish to ensure and support effective use of technology in teaching and learning, including standards and guidelines for teacher professional development, and partnerships with industries?

Sub-Theme 3: Partnerships to Support Learning for Life

Student learning encompasses learning beyond the walls of the classroom and school. Partnerships with parents, communities, institutes of higher learning and industries provide valuable authentic learning experiences and opportunities for students to discover and deepen their interests, passions, values and beliefs about themselves and others. Schools are organisations where teachers are empowered to forge meaningful partnerships to enrich student learning and foster the spirit and disposition to learn for life, while strengthening schools’ relevance to the local community.

Discussion Questions

  1. How can schools foster partnerships with stakeholders (including parents, communities, institutes of higher learning and industries) to enrich student learning and strengthen support for lifelong learning?
  2. How can governments, teacher organisations and schools work collaboratively to equip teachers with the knowledge and skills, and provide resources to effectively engage and build sustained partnerships that support student learning?